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Chat Commands list

General commands



  • prints helpfull debug information to the chat window and copies them to your clipboard
  • please provide these information if you're reporting any problems with WCE

/wceGoToRoom [room name]

  • immediatle leaves the current room (ignoring all restrictions) and joins the specified room
  • if room name is kept emty, just leaves the room and goes to the Main Hall
  • if the room with the specified name doesn't exists (or it's locked without you having access as an room admin) it will show the chat room search with your query prefilled
  • if the room with the specified case-sensitive name exists, you will joint that room immediatle (even if it's private or even locked and you being a room admin)

/exportLooks [target member number]

  • exports your (or the specified target members) current look as a base64 string and copies it to your clipboard
  • you will be asked wether you want to include binds, their locks and your body features in your export or just your cloths


  • import a exported look to your current character (paste the exported base64 string in the textarea shown after running that command)
  • you need to be able to change your cloths (not being bound) to use this command
  • doesn't override items locked on you, which you can't unlock yourself

/w [target name] [message]

  • write a whisper message to the target
  • target name can be either the member number or the first name of the nickname or username (until the first space)

/beep [member number] [message]

  • writes a beep to the member with the specified member number
  • doesn't work if your BCX rule prevents sending beeps


  • prints addon version information for any character in the current room to the chat window
  • shows BC, WCE, BCX and any other modSDK registered addon version

/profiles <filter>

  • shows a list of saved member profiles matching the specified filter
  • filter can be a member number or a part of their username or (last known) nickname
  • click on a profile link to show a version of their profile from when they last were in the same chat room as you (while WCE was running with that feature active)

Animation Engine commands

/r [part of face or 'all']

  • resets current expression overrides on your complete face (if passed all) or just the specified part (like Eyes)

/anim ['list' or name of emote]

  • runs the specified animation on your character
  • pass list as an argument to see a list of all available animations

/pose ['list' or list of poses]

  • set your characters pose to the specified pose or space seperated list of poses
  • pass list as an argument to see a list of all available poses

Uwall / Ulist commands

/ulistadd [member number]

  • adds the player with the specified member number to the list allowing to bypass Uwall

/ulistremove [member number]

  • removes the player with the specified member number from the list allowing to bypass Uwall


  • displays the list of players allowed to bypass Uwall

Toy Sync commands


these commands are only available while connected to a Intiface Client with the toy sync feature active


  • prints a list of your connected toys with their battery status in % (if this information is available)


  • scans for connected toys